In today’s society looks are so important. It’s a sad thought, but it is definitely true. How often do you see good-looking people, especially girls, get away with things that others cannot? Looks dominant the social spectrum because society is always trying to be skinnier, healthier, more muscular, more tan, or more toned. Some girls, in my opinion, take appearance to the next level and become so egotistical with their "beauty" that a sense of entitlement tends to arise. These girls can easily be pointed out as the ones that are too good for the party and are standing in the corner looking like they are having a terrible time. many different girls that you know just came to mind? To those girls all I have to say is LEAVE. You're making everyone around you uncomfortable and sorry to break it to you, you're hot but not that hot.
Being a guy, getting rejected or being told the “Sorry I have a boyfriend” happens a lot. I’m not too strung up on myself to say that I have never been rejected because honestly I have. Usually it doesn’t phase me, but I cannot stand rejection when it comes with the smug*why are you talking to me* look that some girls give. Guys especially know the look I’m talking about. It’s the over the shoulder, terrible body language smirk and then the look over to her friends like "What is this guy doing?" and they all smile and giggle at you with the *what are you doing here* look. I HATE THAT! Like honestly, who are you that you think you are too good just to talk? Are you so high and mighty that you are too good for simple conversation just for the intent of conversation? Personally, I don’t care if a girl walks up to me that weighs 250 lbs and looks like she just beat herself in the face, I’m still going to talk to her and make her feel like she’s worth it. I don’t know if that’s just me, but I’ve always been taught treat others the way I would want to be treated.
Some girls do not realize that no one wants to put up with that kind of ego! Like yeah cool, you have 200 likes on your facebook profile picture, but when it comes down to it, what are people going to say about you when your name is brought up. Is it going to be good? Is it going to be something you are proud of? Are they going to say, "Yeah, so and so is so sweet to everyone, oh and she's really good-looking too" or is it going to be the more common "Yeah that girl is really hot.....but she thinks she's too good for everyone". Where is that going to get you in life?! The most attractive girls are the ones with looks and personality. I hate to be reality, but to be honest guys aren't talking to you after you embarrassed them just because of your looks, guys continue to talk to you JUST because they want to add you as a statistic and tell their friends that they got past your egotistic wall. The girls that are truly respected are the ones who make others feel like they are worth it. Those are the girls that have a conversation with you just to be your friend. Those are the girls that will get far in life, and those are the girls guys want to be around.
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